Project activities are implemented in the framework of four specific, but strongly 4 interrelated subprojects:
1. NATURA subproject: Developing the knowledge database for the conservation of species and habitats of community interest - Assessing the range, distribution of 25 data deficient species and the conservation status of 45 habitats of Community interest - Field surveys- Assessing conservation status based on actual field data - Refining methodology for monitoring - Habitat mapping on 27 600 ha- Preparing species’ management plans (8 new, 10 updated) - Updating the national Natura 2000 Prioritised Action Framework |
2. ECOSYSTEM-SERVICES subproject: National mapping and assessment of ecosystems and ecosystem services - Mapping and assessment of natural and close-to-natural ecosystems - Build up spatial databases of ecosystems (thematic maps on ecosystem status) - Creating the national priority list of ecosystem services - Developing an integrated model for the mapping and evaluation of ecosystem services - The economic evaluation of ecosystem services - Assessment of the contribution of ecosystem services to human well-being - Mainstreaming results into various sectors |
3. LANDSCAPE CHARACTER subproject: Establisment of the strategic framework for the conservation and landscape values - Developing a methodology for the classification of Hungarian landscapes based on landscape character - Delimitation and description of national landscape character units - Creating methodology and a national GIS database on landscape character units - Launching pilot projects on the local level - Assessing the status of landscapes, developing guidelines and setting targets for their future management - Defining directions of use in public administration and spatial planning |
4. GREEN INFRASTRUUCTURE subproject: Defining the strategic framework for the conservation and development of green infrastructure in Hungary - Mapping of the present green infrastructure network - Assessing the status and defining elements of green infrastructure - Launching pilot projects for the management of green infrastructure at the level of settlements and micro-regions (groups of settlements) - Defining conflict areas and providing a delimitation of restoration zones- Establishing the national green infrastructure development plan and setting national restoration priorites |